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Library Services Platform (LSP) Program

Main Library Services Platform Program Website for the California Community Colleges

About the LSP Task Force

The LSP Task Force is a planning, development and operations oversight workgroup of California community college librarians which works with the Community College League of California's LSP staff to help design, organize and guide the operations, services and ongoing development of the Library Services Platform program. The LSP Task Force is also specifically involved in helping to organize and support the work of the LSP Governance Committee.

The Task Force was established when grant funds were received to initiate the LSP project in 2015. The continuing role of the Task Force is established in Appendix D of the MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE COUNCIL OF CHIEF LIBRARIANS, CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES AND THE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE LIBRARY CONSORTIUM PROGRAM.

The Task Force is a standing committee of the Council of Chief Librarians, CCC and its members are appointed by the CCL President. The current chair (or co-chairs) of the LSP Governance Committee is also a member.

About the Council of Chief Librarians (CCL)

The Council of Chief Librarians (CCL) is a professional organization that exists to support the work of California’s community college librarians and library programs.  Its purpose is to represent, promote and advance libraries in public California community college education; to provide a vehicle for communication, discussion and collaboration among libraries; to provide opportunities for professional development, training and leadership development for library leaders and other librarians; and to support data collection, analysis and dissemination for the purpose of good public policy development.

LSP Task Force Members 2024/2025

Member Title Organization
Cameron Bluford LSP Governance Co-Chair Los Medanos College
Kymber Ensele LSP Governance Co-Chair Lake Tahoe Community College
Ryan Edwards LSP ELUNA Representative West Los Angeles College
Gregg Atkins CCL Executive Director CCL
Allison Gurganus CCL President San Diego Mesa College
Elnora Tayag CCL Vice President/President Elect College of San Mateo
Parisa Samaie CCL Secretary Santa Ana College
Walter Butler CCL Treasurer Santa Monica College
Elizabeth Bowmen CCL LSP Program Manager CCL
Amy Beadle Library Consortium Director CCLC
Pawel Szponar LSP Network Zone Administrator CCLC
Cathy Tully CCLC LSP Program Manager CCLC