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Library Services Platform (LSP) Program

Main Library Services Platform Program Website for the California Community Colleges


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Anti-Racism, and Accessibility (DEIAA) Statement

The California Community Colleges (CCC) Library Services Platform (LSP) Governance Committee and the consortium of CCC LSP member institutions embrace diversity among students, staff, faculty, and the communities we serve. We are committed to intentionally creating and maintaining safe, equitable, inclusive, and anti-racist environments and actively challenging systems of oppression.

We acknowledge that libraries and library systems are not neutral and have served as instruments of exclusion, colonialism, and forced assimilation. As inheritors of this legacy, this community commits to dismantling harmful practices and policies by taking actionable steps that lead to restorative change.

To that end, the CCC LSP community pledges to:

  1. Demonstrate the LSP community's commitment to opposing racism, anti-Blackness, classism, ableism, and gender inequities while advocating for systemic change.
  2. Embed a DEIAA lens into all LSP Governance Committee and work group activities
  3. Leverage LSP Program processes to reduce the harm caused by policies and practices originating out of historical legacies of colonialism
  4. Hold ourselves accountable as a model of diversity, equity, inclusion, anti-racism and accessibility
  5. Evaluate our progress, adjust our goals as needed, and recommit to our statement and pledge on an annual basis

adopted 7/27/22, revised 11/15/24