What is ELUNA?
ELUNA is a not-for-profit educational group for users of enterprise library software products licensed by Ex Libris, a ProQuest Company. ELUNA focuses on the systems that manage discovery, access, and collection management functions within libraries. It is the international user community for Ex Libris customers in the Americas. ELUNA and its sister organization IGeLU have a contractual agreement with Ex Libris for the enhancement of defined Ex Libris products.
What is NERS?
- NERS (the New Enhancements Request System) is used to support voting by ELUNA members.
- The ELUNA enhancement request process (“NERS”) is the only way to obtain a “road-map commitment”
Who paid for the 2022 ELUNA membership for CCL members?
CCL has paid the 2022 membership costs for all CCL members. Should you have questions, please contact CCL directly.
Is the Consortium a member of ELUNA and how do they vote in the NERS Alma Enhancement?
Yes, the LSP Consortium is a member of ELUNA and has its own process to decide on how to apply the allotted 100 points. There are two rounds:
Round One
- Gather enhancement options from ELUNA NERS site
- Transfer enhancements into Google form
- Add information related to our workgroup’s subject areas of expertise and links to NERS website for additional details
- Meet with workgroups to discuss how to evaluate items & disburse enhancements out to the groups
- Some enhancement items will not fit with workgroup purview– assign those items to other expert volunteers
- Workgroups meet to review enhancements and choose their top (#) of enhancements
- Organize Wednesday webinar for workgroups to advocate/ discuss/ explain their top choices for enhancements
- Ask libraries to vote on the top 5 enhancements
- Download libraries top 5 votes
- Weight higher ranked choices and distribute results to workgroups
- NOTE - Final CCC LSP votes should be somewhat distributed amongst different workgroup areas
- Vote for consortium’s top 5 enhancements using the LSP consortium login
Round Two
- Wait for ELUNA to announce the eligible enhancements culled from Round One
- Usually 6-8 weeks after voting ends for round one
- Confirm which CCC LSP enhancements from round one are still eligible for round two voting
- Vet / gain approval for 100 point breakdown – Task force and workgroup approval needed
- Send out notifications to libraries asking for their votes on the eligible enhancements
- Vote for consortium’s 100 point decided upon breakdown using the LSP consortium login
For more on the CCC approved voting process, please visit: https://caccleague.libguides.com/LSP/eluna_ners
How do I submit an enhancement request through NERS?
- Log in with your institutional credentials: https://ners.igelu.org/. This puts you on the “Home” tab.
- Navigate to the request tab
- Check to see if your enhancement already exists
- Enter keyword (optional)
- Choose your product
- Choose request status ‘new’
- Click search
- Once you determine your idea is unique click on the ADD button
- If your official representative is having problems with logging into or using NERS, please contact: ners@igelu.org
- To check on your representative’s name go to the ELUNA membership checker: https://eluna40.wildapricot.org/
How do I vote for an enhancement through NERS?
- Log in with your institutional credentials: https://ners.igelu.org/.
- This puts you on the “Home” tab.
- Under “Vote” tab, you can vote for your select enhancements.
- Review each enhancement and enter a number in the “Your Votes” column.
- Once you have assigned the points allotted, click the “Submit Votes” button.
- At any time before the end of the voting period, you can change your vote
How is the LSP Consortium voting in NERS, specifically Alma enhancements and content?
Find the latest LSP recommendations and final results for NERS 2021 here: https://caccleague.libguides.com/LSP/eluna_ners
I need more information on ELUNA, NERS, and understanding the CCC voting choices
You can:
Who gets to be a member of ELUNA?
- Any institution can be a member of ELUNA.
- For community colleges, membership is by college