Active and Collaborative Involvement
We are looking for active and collaborative involvement from all work group members which includes, but is not limited to:
Attendance and active participation in synchronous monthly virtual meetings:
Advance notice of absence at scheduled meetings should be provided to the lead or co-leads.
Attendance and active participation in virtual work group sponsored events:
Office Hours
Webinar Events
Commitment to advancing and centering diversity, equity, inclusion, anti-racism, and accessibility in our work
Asynchronous collaboration on work group projects via different remote platforms such as emails, G-Suite products, or Microsoft Office.
Contribute to transparency, open communication, and positive teamwork, by participating in assigned work group tasks, meetings, projects, and communication (e.g., email).
Support the lead or co-leads in resolving issues, exploring recommendations and ideas in a collaborative environment.
If necessary and at the direction of the work group lead, may be asked to serve on subgroups, task forces or as liaisons.
Term Length
1 academic year
Please consider your overall workload in your decision to commit to a work group.
The Library Consortium Staff will send out a call for volunteers every Spring semester for new/returning members from the LSP field, collect submissions, and will request approvals from either the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges or the LSP Task Force. The LSP Task Force will appoint members from an established list of approved volunteers to work groups based on work group needs, goals, and projects on an annual basis or as needed.
Special Circumstances
Special circumstances such as vacancies in work groups or task forces, projects, or needs as identified by the LSP Governance Committee or the LSP Task Force, may require a call for participation from the field and/or solicitation of specific individuals in the CCC Library field, at any given time. The LSP Task Force will manage this recruitment and/or solicitations procedure to ensure needs are met and vacancies are filled or replaced for the overall health and benefit of the program.
The LSP Task Force will collect all submissions, review them, and submit requests for approval to either the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges or the LSP Task Force:
Consult with your Supervisor and Seek their Support
Before considering serving on an LSP Work Group, members should proactively consult with their supervisors for support and if compulsory, acquire their supervisor's approval to serve.
For questions on LSP Work Groups, please contact the Library Consortium Program Manager: Cathy Tully