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DEI Task Force

DEI Task Force October 2021-April 2022


Task Force Status: Inactive; work complete.

Task Force Timeline: October 2021 - April 2022.

Reporting Line: Reports directly to the LSP Governance Committee.

Description: Deliverables will be presented to the LSP Governance Committee on May 6, 2022 for review and consideration.

Deliverables: please click here to view final product and status updates on each deliverable


On July 26, 2021, the LSP Governance Committee voted to form the LSP Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Task Force to advise the Governance Committee on DEIA issues within the shared system (see charge below). The final task force report is due to the Governance Committee on May 6, 2022.


The LSP DEI task force will be made up from one member from each LSP Work Group and seven additional at-large LSP members.

*2021/22 LSP work groups nominated their own work group representative to serve on this task force.


  1. Recommend an initial LSP operating process to identify and collect potentially offensive terms discovered in bibliographic records while taking into consideration individual institutional needs and concerns.
  2. Draft an LSP DEI statement reaffirming our commitment to DEI efforts 

    • Articulate DEI mission and vision


Task Force Members
Task Force Role
Dr. Edeama Onwuchekwa *Lead
At-Large Member
San Diego Mesa College
Esteban Aguilar
At-Large Member
Mt. San Antonio College
Angela Boyd
At-Large Member
Miramar College
Ashley Coyne
LSP Acquisitions Work Group
Mt. San Jacinto College
Cheryl Cruse
LSP Cataloging Work Group 
Shasta College
Erin Daniels
LSP Systems Work Group
Santa Rosa Junior College
Maggie Frankel
At-Large Member
City College of San Francisco
Joshua Gray
LSP Analytics Work Group
City College of San Francisco
Michael Habata
At-Large Member
Los Angeles Pierce College
Adina Lerner
LSP Discovery and UX Work Group
Glendale Community College
Lori Lisowski
LSP Circulation Work Group
Skyline College
Carina Love
LSP Electronic Resource Management Work Group
Cuesta College
Kim Morrison
At-Large Member
Chabot College
Cynthia Mari Orozco
LSP Instruction Work Group
East Los Angeles College