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the logo for the Library Services Platform: California Community Colleges

Circulation Work Group

LSP Circulation Work Group Main LibGuide- information on events, documentation, and resources

Work Group Members


Cathy Tully *Work Group Co-Lead

College of the Sequoias

Lisa Brlas *Work Group Co-Lead

Grossmont College

Michael Ferrari

Fullerton College

Dulce Gangani

MiraCosta College

Yolanda Giang

San Diego Mesa College

Yasmine Malboubi

Foothill College

Stephanni Myrum

Southwestern College

Patty Torres

Southwestern College


The Circulation work group evaluates the operations of the fulfillment component of the LSP product on behalf of CCC libraries. By soliciting feedback from the system via multiple lines of communication, the work group will make recommendations to the LSP Governance Committee in regard to standards, best practices, solutions to problems, guidelines and policies. The Circulation work group is responsible for evaluating the fulfillment component to identify and develop best practices that address circulation, course reserves, user management, and other functions related to access services. These recommendations will be guided by our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, anti-racism, and accessibility as outlined in the LSP DEIAA statement.

Projects, Goals, and Objectives

2022-2023 Projects

  • Incorporating DEIAA and OER best practices into our group's charge and processes in our LibGuides
  • Going Fines Free discussions
  • Improving Course Reserves Management in Alma webinar
  • Letters and Notices discussions


2021-2022 Projects